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Review statements, audit logs and reporting


Welcome to the Textmagic reporting features introduction video.
The reporting section helps you understand the impact of text messaging on your business.
To view the reporting section:

  • Select ʻReporting’ and then ʻOverview’ from the main menu.
  • Select the account and date period you want to view.
The reporting overview and statistics pages are updated every 24 hours. They show you general information about your text messages and forwarded calls.
To review your messaging costs in detail, select ʻStatements’. This page is updated as soon as your balance changes. Here, you will find the history of all your account transactions.
Textmagic’s detailed Audit logs give you a full overview of all the activities that took place on your Textmagic account. You can filter them by sub-accounts and dates.
Finally, the ʻSub-accounts’ reporting page gives you an overview of your sub-accounts performance and the division of costs within your team.
Textmagic reporting gives you a detailed overview of your messaging costs, delivery and reply rates as well as your team’s activities and performance.

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