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Textmagic dedicated virtual numbers


Textmagic dedicated virtual numbers, also known as Long Codes or Long Virtual Numbers (LVN), are used for two-way business text messaging.

Dedicated virtual numbers are designed to only receive inbound messages from your local territory, not internationally.

All dedicated numbers belong to Textmagic and you can rent any available number from us. Each dedicated number can only be used by one account at a time and cannot be shared between sub-accounts. 

In the USA, Canada and Puerto Rico every Textmagic account must buy a dedicated number to be able to send and receive text messages.

What countries are dedicated numbers available in?

Textmagic currently offers dedicated numbers in more than 30 countries.

This list may change at any time:

Australia Latvia
Austria Lithuania
Belgium Malaysia
Canada Mexico
Chile Netherlands
Costa Rica Norway
Croatia Poland
Czech Republic Puerto Rico
Denmark Romania
Estonia Russia
Finland Slovakia
France South Korea
Germany Spain
Hong Kong Sweden
Hungary Switzerland
Indonesia United Kingdom
Ireland United States

If you use a local dedicated virtual numbers, it will be cheaper for your clients to reply to you.

How much does it cost to use a dedicated number?

The price for a dedicated number subscription depends on the country of origin.

Please check the Textmagic Pricing page.

Dedicated number subscriptions are charged on a monthly basis, always on the same day as the original purchase date of the number. Please note that, when your number subscription renews, we deduct credit from your Textmagic account balance – not from your card/PayPal.

Is it mandatory to use a dedicated number?

It is mandatory to use a local dedicated number only in the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and France for sending and receiving text messages.

Two-way text messaging is guaranteed to work only via a dedicated number. If you only need an outbound SMS service, you can send text messages from a Sender ID.

My country is not in the list of dedicated numbers. What should I do?

You can test sending messages using the global UK number +447624800500 .

Please note that, in this case, a user would be charged the international rate by their mobile operator for replying to this kind of message.

Can I use a dedicated number for verification purposes, i.e. bank confirmations, Google account verifications, etc.?

No, you cannot.

Verification text messages are usually sent via SMS providers, like Textmagic, while a dedicated number can receive text messages only from regular mobile subscribers and not SMS providers.

How can I use a dedicated number?

Anybody who knows your dedicated number can send text messages to you by using it.

You can publicize your dedicated number by displaying it on your website or in marketing materials.

Using a dedicated number you can:

  • Send text messages
  • Receive replies to messages you have sent
  • Receive incoming text messages
  • Forward incoming calls to your landline or a mobile number

How much does it cost for someone to send a message to my dedicated number?

The cost is just the standard charge made by your client’s mobile operator for sending a message.

Textmagic never charges your client for sending you a message.

How do I receive messages via a dedicated number?

You will receive incoming text messages via:

Textmagic charges you for receiving incoming text messages from your clients. Please check the price list.

Can I block incoming text messages from specific numbers?

Yes, you can. You can add specific numbers to a blocked list. All new incoming messages from that number will be blocked and your sent messages will be rejected. 

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