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Organize contacts into Lists


The easiest way to organize contacts is by grouping them into Lists. It is not possible to add a contact without the list selection.

You can set up lists and then send text messages to all the people in a list with just a few clicks. Textmagic offers these types of Lists:

  • Private – a list you have created and have not shared with your team members.
  • Shared by me – a list that you have created and shared with your team members. Your sub-accounts will be able to edit this list and add/remove contacts.
  • Shared to me –  a list that a team member has created and shared with you.
  • Unsubscribers – a list where contacts are moved automatically if they have unsubscribed from your communication. This list is shared between all your sub-accounts.
  • Blocked – a list where you can add contacts to block all incoming and outgoing texts with the number.

Create a new list

  1. Navigate to Contacts -> Lists.
  2. Click on the New list button. 
    Organize contacts create a new list
  3. Enter a list name.
  4. Make the list private or share it with your sub-accounts. This option can be changed at any time.
    Textmagic create a private or shared list
  5. Click Save.
  6. You can import multiple contacts to your list or add them one-by-one. Learn how to Import contacts from a .CSV or Excel file or add contacts one-by-one.

List features overview

The following list actions are available to you:

  • Send SMS to this list: This opens the Compose page, where the list is automatically added to the recipients.
  • Share this list with sub-accounts / Make this list private: Use this action to update the list’s sharing settings.
  • Hide list: You can remove the list from the table view without permanently deleting it.
  • Edit list: This option lets you rename the list, change sharing settings, or set the list as the default for new contacts.
  • View list details: Takes you to a detailed view of the list.
  • Delete list: This action will permanently delete the list and all contacts only contained in this list.

Textmagic actions for the contact list

List detail view features overview

To view contacts that are in a specific list – click on that list name.

Actions available in the list detail view:

  • Send SMS: This opens the Compose page, where the list is automatically added to the recipients.
  • Add contacts: Allows to add new or existing contacts to the list.
  • Import: Use this to import contacts and add them to the list.
  • Download: Allows you to download the list data as a .CSV or Excel file.
  • Share this list with sub-accounts / Make this list private: Use this action to update the list’s sharing settings.
  • Edit list details: This option lets you rename the list, change sharing settings, or set the list as the default for new contacts.
  • Delete list: This action will permanently delete the list and all contacts only contained in this list.

Textmagic Lists top menu

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