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Set up text message auto-responders and rules


Text message auto-responders work only with our dedicated virtual numbers.

Textmagic offers two options:

  • Send auto-responses to incoming messages.
  • Automatically add people to lists, based on keywords in the received messages.
Please note: If you use a keyword in your rule, your keyword has to be in the beginning of the incoming text message to trigger an automation rule.

Create text message auto-responders

  1. Navigate to Services -> Automation rules.
  2. Click Create a new rule.
  3. Adjust your automation rule settings.
    Textmagic adjust your automation rule settings
  4. Choose an auto-response type and enter the message.
    Textmagic auto reply type
  5. You can also add additional actions. For example, you can add contacts to specific lists after receiving a message from them.
    Textmagic add a new action
  6. Choose a list where the number should be added, or add another action.
    Textmagic add or delete the number rule
  7. Click Continue.

Congratulations, your automation rule has been set up.

Automation rule actions

You can perform the following actions:

  • View details of the automation rule
  • Edit automation rule
  • Pause automation rule
  • Delete automation rule
    Textmagic how to edit the rule

Apply for a free keyword

  1. Navigate to Services -> Automation rules.
  2. Select the Keywords tab.
  3. Click Add a new keyword.
  4. Enter your keyword.
    Textmagic add a free keyword

Check automation rule logs

  1. Navigate to Services -> Automation rules.
  2. Select the Logs tab.
  3. Click three-dots button to view the details or delete the log.
    Textmagic view automation logs

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