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Send SMS surveys to your customers


You can send SMS surveys to customers using Textmagic SMS Survey functionality. Customers will receive your questions as text messages and can reply to each question individually. You will see the responses in the Textmagic web app and in SMS chat.

Please note: You need a Textmagic dedicated number to send an SMS survey. A dedicated number can be used for only one active SMS Survey at a time. If you need to have several surveys active simultaneously, you will need to buy more numbers.

Send a new SMS survey

  1. Navigate to Services -> SMS Surveys.
  2. Click on the Create a new survey button.
    Create a new SMS Survey
  3. Enter a name for the survey.
  4. If needed, choose a template for this survey.
    Choose a name for your sms survey
  5. Click Create survey.
  6. Select your recipients and choose the number that the messages will originate from.
    Textmagic select your survey recipients
  7. Build your SMS survey flow.
    Textmagic build your SMS survey flow
  8. Finally, Save draft or click Send survey.
Please note: Once a survey has been sent, this action cannot be undone. You can cancel the survey, but the first question will still have been sent.

View SMS Survey responses

  1. Navigate to Services -> SMS Surveys.
  2. Click on an active survey that you would like to see.
  3. Navigate to Replies tab.
    Textmagic SMS Survey details
  4. Choose a question.
    Textmagic choose sms survey question
  5. Alternatively, you can download all the replies by clicking Download results button on the Overview tab.
  6. To view the report summary, navigate to the Analytics tab.

Cancel an SMS survey

  1. Navigate to Services -> SMS Surveys.
  2. Click on an active survey.
  3. Click Cancel survey.
    Cancel SMS Survey
  4. No new questions will be sent to customers for this survey. However, we cannot do anything about the questions that have already been sent, and you may still receive late responses for them.

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